This week’s featured Challenge Timeline comes from one of our recent Project 10 winners, Verina Campos. Verina’s weight loss journey began back in September and she had already lost 25 pounds prior to starting her most recent challenge. This time around Verina is striving to lose 40 pounds on her 90 Day Challenge before she goes to the Dominican Republic with her husband for their 2nd anniversary.

While Verina’s goal is an extremely ambitious one, it is clear from her past success that anything is possible. Another aspect of Verina’s goal is to try new things which she is well on her way to accomplishing by taking Zumba and step classes both for the very first time. She even went to the Super Bowl to volunteer for the halftime show! Clearly Verina is taking this Challenge seriously and her execution is truly inspiring.

At this point Verina has already lost 15 pounds and is well on her way to transforming her body and life for the better. On her Challenge Timeline she even mentions the possibility of pushing herself to become a Challenge Champion! Verina is clearly motivated and we couldn’t be more proud of her. We hope Verina continues working towards her impressive goals and that she has a fantastic time in the Dominican Republic with her husband! Happy Anniversary!

Be sure to head over to Verina’s Challenge Timeline and show some support for her as she finishes off an incredible total body transformation and prepares for a fantastic vacation in the Dominican Republic!